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The tent removed musty smell
Time:2018-03-15 11:50:50      Click:355
Mildew and/or small cross spots on the fabric of the tent show that the tent is mouldy. Mold can only grow and multiply in a dark, moist, and warm environment (dirt provides nutrients). The fungus actually passes through the polyurethane coating of the tent fabric, then grows between the fabric and the coating, and eventually destroys the fabric. This damage cannot be redeemed, but as immediate action, can prevent mould to grow further, to prevent greater damage if tents started mildewy, will put it up, with warm soapy water and sponge to scrub clean, then dry with a clean sponge. Rinse with a half cup of Lysol solution and a gallon of hot water. Let the solution stay on the surface of the fabric and let it dry. Then, mix a cup of salt, a cup of concentrated lemon juice and a gallon of hot water, rub the solution into the visible mold and let it dry. In this way, the mold can be prevented from growing and musty, but the mold can't be removed. The damage caused by mildew is not covered by the warranty. These methods are provided only to prolong the life of the tent when it is mildewed.
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